Sécurisez votre management de projet

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The challenges of a consortium in a large-scale project – The Grand Paris Express.


The Grand Paris Express, is one of Europe’s most ambitious infrastructure projects. However, the stakes are colossal at every level. As a result, consortia of companies play a crucial role in reconciling diverse skills and expertise to bring projects to fruition. Given the complexity, projects can get out of hand very quickly. This paper explores the main issues facing consortia in the context of the Grand Paris Express.



The challenges for a business group in such a project are multiple:

Collaboration and coordination: the keys of success

The success of consortia depends on their ability to collaborate and communicate effectively, particularly in the context of the Grand Paris Express. Coordination between consortium members is crucial to avoid delays and budget overruns. Transparent communication is needed to anticipate impacts, costs, and deadlines. This involves managing interfaces, of which there may be many, synchronising study schedules for the subsequent stages, and above all, communicating transparently.

What solution should you adopt?

Setting up collaborative cloud platforms with real-time communication will facilitate collaboration between consortia or groups on the major projects of the Grand Paris Express. However, regular meetings with the goal of delineating and auditing bottlenecks can have a positive effect on the fluidity of each member’s actions. Designating interface managers and clarifying roles will also ensure effective coordination.

Risk and uncertainty analysis

A project on the scale of the Grand Paris Express is inevitably faced with a multitude of risks, ranging from technical problems to budgetary constraints. General planning may involve uncertainties in the production of deliverables, making the context more complex. Joint ventures need to put in place robust risk management strategies, with regular reviews of risks and actions to be taken.

Proposed methodology: Establishing in-depth risk analyses at the outset of the project will help to anticipate eventualities. Contingency plans for different scenarios, continuous monitoring of performance indicators, and transparent communication about potential risks will help mitigate negative impacts. Taking out appropriate insurance can also be an additional precautionary measure. In addition, it is essential to use tools such as Deltek Acumen Fuse to check the veracity and robustness of the consolidated overall planning for the entire group.

Innovation and adaptability: two essential assets

In a project of this scale, innovation becomes a lever for overcoming challenges. Groups of companies must be able to propose innovative solutions to optimise costs and accelerate deadlines while complying with quality and safety standards. Adaptability to changing conditions, whether technological, regulatory, or economic, is also crucial.

Proposed solution: The creation of innovation units within groups of companies will encourage the proposal of innovative solutions. The introduction of technology-watch mechanisms and participation in innovation forums will enable opportunities for improvement to be identified quickly. At the same time, adaptability plans need to be drawn up to adjust strategies in response to changing circumstances.

The importance of planning management via group representative

Planning at the level of a consortium can take several forms, such as responding to invitations to tender, pooling human resources, or developing specific activities.

The project organisation and methodology for a business grouping require involvement based on foresight, completion, and determination. Several key stages of project management can be applied, such as risk management, definition of objectives, design feasibility, and planning of deliverables, mainly for the study phase.

Steering the project through a representative is crucial for communication and defending the interests of the consortium. This requires transparent communication of the contractor’s objectives and decisions, as well as assurance that the consortium’s interests will be defended. Effective coordination and clear communication are essential to ensuring that actions are aligned with the interests of the consortium. The implementation of monitoring mechanisms, such as performance indicators, is crucial to ensuring that the trustee complies with the group’s directives.

Which planning solution?

Time planning for a consortium using Oracle Primavera Cloud involves using an integrated, cloud-based project management solution that supports strategic planning, scheduling, and risk management for the entire project portfolio, from design to operation and maintenance. MESLI Consulting is certified to use this cloud-based solution and can intervene at any time to set up processes and propose strategic orientations to customers.

Projects are design and build.

Group projects in the design and build phases may well encounter difficulties in terms of communication, interaction, and interface management. Interface management is an emerging discipline aimed at managing communications, relationships, and deliverables in complex construction projects.

Design-build contracts involve the provision of drawings, technical documents, and coordination between the various stakeholders, which underlines the importance of communication and interface management in such projects.

Proposed solution: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) within a consortium framework can effectively contribute to the success of projects. AI can be used to improve project management, optimise processes, and analyse market data, with the design validated by the customer during the design phase. What’s more, AI project management training is also available in-house, underscoring the growing importance of this skill. AI therefore offers significant opportunities to boost the efficiency and success of projects within consortia.

Innovation and adaptability of the consortium

In a project of this scale, innovation becomes a lever for overcoming challenges. Groups of companies must be able to propose innovative solutions to optimise costs and deadlines while complying with quality and safety standards. Adaptability to changing conditions, whether technological, regulatory, or economic, is also crucial for consortia.

Proposed solution: The creation of innovation units within consortia will encourage the proposal of innovative solutions. Setting up technology watch mechanisms and taking part in innovation forums will enable opportunities for improvement to be identified quickly. At the same time, adaptability plans need to be drawn up throughout the consortium in order to adjust strategies as the context evolves.

Management of inter-company relations and social impacts
The success of the Grand Paris Express also depends on the quality of relations between the various companies that make it up. The management of social aspects, such as the impact on local communities, land constraints, and issues relating to worker mobility, is a challenge that should not be underestimated.

Proposed solution: The creation of a unit dedicated to the management of inter-company relations will facilitate the rapid resolution of conflicts and the promotion of a culture of collaboration. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, such as community involvement programmes and measures to mitigate negative social impacts, will help to strengthen the links between companies and local communities.

Sustainability is at the heart of our concerns

The Grand Paris Express is not just a transport project; it is also a commitment to sustainable development. Groups of companies must incorporate environmentally-friendly practices, whether in infrastructure design, waste management, or the use of sustainable materials. This approach helps to shape the project’s environmental legacy.

Proposed solution: Incorporating high environmental standards and sustainable practices into the design of the project will be crucial. Effective waste management, the use of recyclable materials, and the adoption of eco-responsible technologies will help to reduce the environmental footprint of the Grand Paris Express.

Training members of the consortium

Complex projects often require specific skills and technical expertise; companies need to invest in training their employees and developing their skills to meet the requirements of the project.

Proposed solution: Ongoing training programmes tailored to the specific needs of the project will enable employees to acquire the necessary skills. Collaboration with specialist training institutes will strengthen the technical expertise within the consortium.

The challenges of a consortium in a large-scale, complex project—the Grand Paris Express being a good example.

In conclusion, the success of the Grand Paris Express depends on the ability of consortia to meet a range of challenges, from logistical coordination to continuous innovation. By overcoming these obstacles, these groups are shaping the future of urban infrastructure, demonstrating that strategic collaboration is the key to turning ambitions into tangible achievements.

Are you looking for a reliable and competent team to bring your complex and ambitious infrastructure projects to fruition? Look no further; MESLI Consulting is here to meet your needs and help you make your projects a success. Contact us

Partager :
accompagnement gestion de projet, primavera formation, Solution Oracle Aconex, cabinet conseil management projet, cabinet de conseil en financement de projet, cabinet de conseil en gestion de projet, cabinet de conseil spécialisé en management de projet, cabinet de gestion de projet, Analyse de retards projet, audit et diagnostic planning, conseil en gestion de projet, consultant gestion de projet, contract management, coordinateur de projet, coordination de projets, déployer un planning de référence, expert gestion de projet, expertise gestion de projet, claims expert management, claims management, formation contract manager, formation gestion contractuelle, Formation Claims Management, Formation gestion de contrat FIDIC, formation gestion des contrats, Formation gestion des risques, formation management de projet, formation ms project, formation opc, formation planification de projet, Formation Planification TCE, formation primavera, formation primavera p6, Formation sensibilisation à la gestion des contrats, gestion contractuelle, gestion de projet de construction, gestion de projet industriel, gestion de projet planification, gestion des réclamations clients, Gestion des contrats FIDIC, gestion des contrats, gestion des risques et incertitudes, gestion des risques, gestion du changement, gestion des risques et opportunités, mesli consulting, Gestion des risques projet, gestion d'un projet de construction, interface gestion de projet, Management de projet, Primavera risk analysis simulation de monte carlo, mission opc, mission opc chantier, opc batiment, opc chantier, Pilotage et suivi de projet, pilotage projet, planification de projet, Primavera simulation de monte carlo, risques et incertitudes, Solution Primavera P6, Oracle Primavera Cloud, Deltek Acumen Fuse & risk, formation gestion de contrat, réclamation client et fournisseur, simulation de monte carlo, solution gestion de projet, suivi de projets, Consultant contract management, gestion de projet primavera, primavera p6, Gestion de contrat, formation contract management, OPC mission planning, contrôle de projets, contrôle et suivi des projets, PMO, Consultant PMO, Bureau de gestion de projets, Gouvernance de projet PMO, Standards de gestion de projet méthodologies, Outils de PMO, Méthodologies de projet, Alignement stratégique, Reporting de projet, Gestion des risques de projet, Formation en gestion de projet, Optimisation des processus de projet, Management de portefeuille de projets, Amélioration continue en gestion de projet.

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