Claims management

Secure your project management

What is claims management ?

Claims management is a process that comes into play when issues or disagreements arise within a contract. This occurs when the parties involved do not agree on certain aspects of the contract, such as timelines, costs, or other elements. The goal of claims management is to resolve these issues in a way that satisfies all parties and allows the contract to continue without costly litigation. This may involve discussions, negotiations, or even legal actions to resolve disagreements. Contract management consultants, like those at MESLI Consulting, are there to help manage this process effectively.

How Does Claims Management Contribute?

Claims management, also known as complaint management, plays a crucial role in protecting stakeholders and safeguarding their interests.

Many situations can prompt companies to file claims reports, such as changes in quantities, adjustments in project scheduling, permits not approved by the client, site access issues, and many others.

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What are the Interactions of Claims Management?


Claims management closely interacts with other aspects of contract administration, including:

  • Collaboration between claims management and deliverables management
  • Cooperation between claims management and change management

Interaction between claims management and deliverables management​

It is crucial to document all deviations from the contractual specifications. This includes keeping change orders and modification logs up to date by the contract manager, as needed.

Additionally, it is essential to record all correspondence and reports that indicate changes in project performance or timelines.

From a procedural standpoint, establishing a contract management plan is vital. This document formalizes the agreement between parties regarding the procedure and management of changes. Contract and claims management are closely integrated within the functions of contract administration.

To begin, we will conduct a thorough analysis of the contractual elements and associated documents, followed by the drafting of an initial summary report. Then, our expert will develop a defense strategy by providing an objective analysis and a clear view of the steps to be taken.

First, an analysis of the contract contents and related documents will be conducted, along with the drafting of an initial summary report. Subsequently, our expert will propose a defense strategy by offering an objective analysis and a clear perspective on the steps to follow.

Interaction between claims management and change management​

In a project, both the client and the contractor have the opportunity to propose or request changes to the ongoing project. When these changes are accepted in accordance with the previously agreed-upon change procedure between the parties, they become contractually binding and are incorporated as amendments to the contract. Contract management is responsible for implementing and completing the contracts in accordance with the change management specifications.

If a change is rejected, it can serve as a basis for mutual claims.

This process requires the establishment of an infrastructure in the form of a database to be deployed on the project, with regular monitoring and updating of data.

En cas de refus d’une modification, cela peut servir de base à des réclamations mutuelles. 

Ce processus nécessite la mise en place d’une infrastructure sous la forme d’une base de données à déployer sur le projet, avec un suivi régulier des données à actualiser. 

Why choose our delay analysis service?

Our company has extensive experience and a deep understanding of various types of contracts, including public contracts and FIDIC agreements. We are equipped to support all project stakeholders, whether it be the project owner, project management, primary contractors, or subcontractors.

Our multidisciplinary expertise allows us to provide an external perspective on the content of claims. Operationally, we work closely with our clients’ legal departments and organize clarification meetings.

If you have received a claim from a third party, MESLI Consulting is here to help you analyze and formalize a counterclaim. Our main objective is to defend your interests strategically and effectively.

To benefit from our services and protect your interests, feel free to contact us today.

The benefits of Mesli Consulting


Experts in the legal aspects of claims management, our MESLI CONSULTING jurists ensure the optimal management of your litigation or pre-litigation.



We know the strategies that will win in court for litigation and we recommend you our best strategies.



MESLI CONSULTING legal experts know negotiation techniques well. After analysing any wrongdoing of the 2 parties they will know how to advise you efficiently.



With MESLI CONSULTING, you benefit from a pre-analysis of the timeframes and financials of the project so you may objectively estimate the unknown risks.