Sécurisez votre management de projet

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What is the Mission of OPC Construction?

I. Introduction to the Mission of OPC Construction


The mission of OPC Construction is crucial for construction projects. It ensures proper coordination, efficient timeline management, and optimized implementation.


OPC plays a key role in scheduling, steering, and coordination. It ensures that deadlines are met, tasks are executed efficiently, and various stakeholders are properly coordinated throughout the project.


In EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) projects and according to the MOP law, the OPC oversees both the design and execution phases, covering everything from execution studies to project handover.


OPC, which stands for Ordonnancement, Pilotage, and Coordination (Scheduling, Steering, and Coordination), plays a vital role in the construction sector. Its main mission is to ensure that all aspects of a construction project are well integrated and executed according to the detailed studies.


As a leader, the OPC must implement an optimized organization of stakeholders and the construction site. Its role is to anticipate interactions between different trades. From detailed planning to the resolution of final project issues, the OPC is a central figure in the project.


Planification de projet, Gestion de projet, Pilotage de projet, Organisation de projet, Suivi de projet, Coordination de projet, Stratégie projet, Diagramme de Gantt, Chemin critique (CPM), PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique), WBS (Work Breakdown Structure), OBS (Organizational Breakdown Structure), PBS (Product Breakdown Structure), RACI (Responsable, Approveur, Consulté, Informé), PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), PRINCE2, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Primavera P6, Oracle Primavera Cloud, Microsoft Project, Deltek Acumen, Planisware, Smartsheet, Trello, Jira, Définition des objectifs, Structuration du projet, Identification des tâches, Planification des ressources, Allocation des budgets, Estimation des délais, Identification des risques, Ordonnancement des tâches, Suivi et ajustements, Affectation des ressources, Capacité de charge, Gestion des compétences, Plan de charge, Estimation budgétaire, Contrôle des coûts, Gestion des imprévus, Respect des échéances, Analyse de la valeur acquise (EVM), Gestion des risques, Analyse des risques, Mesures correctives, Contingence projet, Scénarios alternatifs, Indicateurs de performance (KPI), Reporting projet, Revue de projet, Suivi d'avancement, Tableaux de bord projet, Gestion des contrats, Contract Management, Administration des contrats, Négociation contractuelle, Conformité contractuelle, Rédaction des contrats, Exécution des contrats, Gestion des avenants, Suivi des obligations contractuelles, Audit contractuel, Arbitrage, Résolution des litiges, Gestion des réclamations, Claims Management, Gestion des contentieux, Analyse des réclamations, Rédaction de réclamations, Évaluation des impacts contractuels, Indemnisation des réclamations, Gestion des retards, Analyse des retards, Forensic Delay Analysis, Chronoanalyse, Analyse causale des retards, Retard excusable, Retard compensable, Méthodes d’analyse des délais, Analyse des prolongations, Frustration contractuelle, Liquidated Damages, Pénalités de retard, Évaluation des coûts de retard, Extension de délai, Proof of Delay, Planning forensique, Expert en délais, Gestion des litiges contractuels, Suivi des engagements contractuels, Due diligence contractuelle, Stratégie contractuelle, Gestion des risques contractuels, Anticipation des litiges, Gestion des sinistres contractuels.



II. OPC Mission and the Choice of Planning Tools


The choice of planning tools is essential for the mission of OPC Construction, especially when multiple software solutions are required. For example, Primavera, MS Project, or Tilos may be necessary.


Each tool has specific advantages. However, combining multiple tools can add value, particularly in terms of communication and analysis.


III. OPC Mission and Risk Anticipation


Due to the complexity of construction projects, it is recommended that the OPC engineer compile a risk assessment report at least once a month. This assessment can impact both the design and construction tasks.


Conducting Monte Carlo simulations before launching a project can strengthen OPC initiatives and assumptions. These simulations can be carried out before or during the execution phase.


IV. Site Analysis and Preparation of Management Deliverables


The OPC plays a crucial role from the project’s design phase by anticipating project analysis and decision-making. Additionally, it must have a clear understanding of the project owner’s objectives and an evaluation of the challenges for each stakeholder.


1. Execution Study Phase


Development of the project’s overall schedule and objectives:

  • Identification of key project milestones (studies, synthesis, equipment procurement, structural work, finishing work, and technical equipment).
  • Integration of allocated deadlines for each study and necessary technical validation.
  • Establishment of the project’s organizational structure and functional hierarchy.


Assessment of project constraints:

  • Consideration of regulatory deadlines and necessary administrative authorizations (building permits and other site approvals).
  • Anticipation of logistics and supply chain needs.


Identification of project interfaces:

  • Recognition of potential bottlenecks between different trades (structure, fluids, electricity, façade).
  • Coordination between design offices and project management.



2. Synthesis and Technical Coordination


Planning of synthesis meetings:

  • Centralization of studies developed by each stakeholder.
  • Validation of both spatial and functional compatibilities.


Use of BIM to facilitate coordination:

  • Detection of interferences between various systems (HVAC, plumbing, electricity).
  • Optimization of execution based on site constraints.


Implementation of Electronic Document Management:

  • Registering deliverables in the document management system with expected deadlines aligned with the schedule.
  • Monitoring and optimizing the approval timeline for technical and administrative documents.


Updating the schedule based on synthesis results:

  • Adjusting deadlines to maintain logical sequences.
  • Integrating approvals and modifications into the overall planning of all trades.


V. Scheduling and Coordination of Construction Works – OPC Mission


Once the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is established, the OPC creates a detailed schedule covering all project phases to ensure smooth site execution. The detailed planning should consider the necessary human and material resources for completing the work within the required timeframe.


1. Detailed Planning of Works


Defining elementary tasks:

  • Sequencing activities (site preparation, foundations, structural work, metallic frameworks, finishing work, and equipment).
  • Managing interactions between different trades.
  • Verifying task scheduling per trade category.


Organizing critical phases:

  • Water and air-tight phases, including the detailed scheduling of structural completion.
  • Installation of technical equipment based on designated usage points.
  • Ensuring key project milestones align with project completion and handover deadlines.
  • Consolidating planning and making deliverables available per area and trade for efficient work execution.


Improving work cadence:

  • Managing intervention zones (zone by zone, floor by floor).
  • Anticipating necessary tests and technical validations.


2. Real-Time Monitoring and Schedule Adjustments


Planning weekly construction meetings:

  • Monitoring progress and adjusting the schedule accordingly.
  • Identifying delays and implementing corrective actions.
  • Alerting contractors and clients about potential schedule impacts on the critical path.


Coordinating planning with contractors:

  • Synchronizing multiple interventions and proposing alternative execution plans.
  • Managing scheduling conflicts and unexpected issues.


VI. Project Handover and Issue Resolution – OPC Mission


The OPC is responsible for preparing the project’s handover and tracking any outstanding issues.


1. Organization of Pre-Handover Operations (OPR)


Ensuring compliance of executed works with design specifications:

  • Verifying that the completed works align with the approved plans and technical specifications.
  • Identifying defects and implementing necessary corrective measures to resolve issues.


Coordination with the project owner:

  • Organizing site visits with the client to confirm work progress aligns with the project timeline.
  • Preparing handover documents for final project delivery.


2. Managing Issue Resolution


Tracking corrective actions:

  • Verifying that necessary corrections have been made.
  • Validating completed works before final acceptance.

Final handover of works:

  • Collecting final technical drawings and all administrative documents.
  • Formalizing site closure.
  • Handing over warranty and operational documents to the client.


VII. Conclusion: The Mission of OPC Construction


As a leader in project management, the OPC ensures the success of a construction project.

By organizing key project phases, it ensures that studies are well conducted and that works are delivered and accepted. This approach facilitates project success and the achievement of objectives.

Its role is to ensure a smooth transition between each project phase while coordinating the actions of various stakeholders. This enables the delivery of a compliant project within deadlines and quality requirements.

Partager :
accompagnement gestion de projet, primavera formation, Solution Oracle Aconex, cabinet conseil management projet, cabinet de conseil en financement de projet, cabinet de conseil en gestion de projet, cabinet de conseil spécialisé en management de projet, cabinet de gestion de projet, Analyse de retards projet, audit et diagnostic planning, conseil en gestion de projet, consultant gestion de projet, contract management, coordinateur de projet, coordination de projets, déployer un planning de référence, expert gestion de projet, expertise gestion de projet, claims expert management, claims management, formation contract manager, formation gestion contractuelle, Formation Claims Management, Formation gestion de contrat FIDIC, formation gestion des contrats, Formation gestion des risques, formation management de projet, formation ms project, formation opc, formation planification de projet, Formation Planification TCE, formation primavera, formation primavera p6, Formation sensibilisation à la gestion des contrats, gestion contractuelle, gestion de projet de construction, gestion de projet industriel, gestion de projet planification, gestion des réclamations clients, Gestion des contrats FIDIC, gestion des contrats, gestion des risques et incertitudes, gestion des risques, gestion du changement, gestion des risques et opportunités, mesli consulting, Gestion des risques projet, gestion d'un projet de construction, interface gestion de projet, Management de projet, Primavera risk analysis simulation de monte carlo, mission opc, mission opc chantier, opc batiment, opc chantier, Pilotage et suivi de projet, pilotage projet, planification de projet, Primavera simulation de monte carlo, risques et incertitudes, Solution Primavera P6, Oracle Primavera Cloud, Deltek Acumen Fuse & risk, formation gestion de contrat, réclamation client et fournisseur, simulation de monte carlo, solution gestion de projet, suivi de projets, Consultant contract management, gestion de projet primavera, primavera p6, Gestion de contrat, formation contract management, OPC mission planning, contrôle de projets, contrôle et suivi des projets, PMO, Consultant PMO, Bureau de gestion de projets, Gouvernance de projet PMO, Standards de gestion de projet méthodologies, Outils de PMO, Méthodologies de projet, Alignement stratégique, Reporting de projet, Gestion des risques de projet, Formation en gestion de projet, Optimisation des processus de projet, Management de portefeuille de projets, Amélioration continue en gestion de projet.

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